Akk Solid Fuel Fan Heating Boilers - General Features
- They have design and manufacture appropriate to burn low calorie lignite coal with its developed special burning chamber and grid design.
- They work very quietly and effi ciently owing to its high design and manufacturing technology.
- They transmit burning air that they take from the pressure air fan to the burning room and accomplish high effi ciency burning.
- With the water pocket technology, they save 3% from energy losses with the burning room and grid life time and boiler effi ciency is improved 3%.
- Heat effi ciency is 86% and higher in full automatic AKK type hot water boilers that are designed according to pressure burning principle.
- Spiral defl ector turbulators direct the gases that are generated as a result of burning and hot smoke gases within the boiler pipes and thus the energy amount transferred to water increases maximally. Chimney gas temperatures drop and energy amount discarded from the chimney and chimney losses are decreased.
- 5% increase is achieved in boiler effi ciency thanks to fl uid cap and cap problems generated because of fi re concrete are prevented.
- Turbulators generate turbulent fl ow within the pipes and enables emission gases to gain speed and prevent condensing within the pipes. Therefore, pipe deformations occurring due to acid corrosion are prevented within the boiler and pipes.
- Suffi cient amount of fuel burning is achieved in the burning chamber by the automatic digital and analogous control system. Ineffi cient burning of the fuel is prevented.
- AKK Type heating boilers have 2 transitive structure, and radiation type energy transfer surface is formed causing effi ciency increase during natural gas transformation.
- In case excessive fuel is loaded, the automatic burning system controls the heat and burning air and prevents excessive burning and achieves economic consumption of fuel.
- Owing to the fan and pump that are directed by the automatic control system, complete burning and homogenous heat control is achieved within the system.
- Their outer body and front caps are designed to be dismounted easily for service and assembly convenience.
- Owing to the design and manufacturing technology that is designed by R&D studies, equal amount of homogenous heat transfer is achieved in all surfaces within the boiler.
- Thermic tensions, which occur during welding with the boiler plates that are cut in special angles, are distributed to the entire boiler surface homogenously and boiler life is extended.
- Mirror pipe holes are cut in an angle by the angled plasma cut technology. This situation will prevent the deformation of the boiler mirror when it is necessary to change the boiler pipes in the following years.
- They have very good heat insulation. The entire boiler is coated with isolation material.
- In the manual loaded models, the control system works at 220V/50H and 380V/50H mains voltage. In the models with a stoker, 380V/50H mains voltage is used.
- High effi ciency burning is achieved in conformity with the automatic burning units and mechanical dust coal burner AST (stoker) systems.
- The automatic control unit can be controlled remotely without a cable.
- Fluid cap technology is applied in AKK heating boilers up to 700.000 Kcal/h. Starting from 800.000 Kcal/h, a cap technology with refl ector application and refl ector isolation.
Akk Solid Fuel Fan Heating - Technical Dimensions