AKKDS Solid Fuel Automatic Loading Three Transitive Heating Boilers - General Features
- They have automatic load burning control system.
- Thanks to its special design joined with fl are smoke pipe and Bafi l technology, discharge of smoke gases more easily and soot amount decrease and equal heat transfer in all surfaces within the boiler is managed.
- AKKDS burns all nut coal and dust coal with piece dimension of 0,5mm and 30mm with high effi ciency.
- The fan provides the required burning air by controlling the debit by the digital control unit. The fan maintains the velocity control and burning effi ciency at a maximum level and overcomes the counter pressure of the gas ways occurring within the boiler.
- The fan valve is mobile and it allows air entry to the burning room during fan working. When the boiler is in sleep mode, air entry to the burning room is prevented and burning control is enabled.
- Thanks to its high volume fuel chamber, maintenance and cleaning periods can be spread to longer times and usage ease is achieved.
- Digital card enables burning air control by enabling fan velocity and debit control. The digital thermostat maintains the system temperature at the adjusted heat value and band range and enables homogenous temperature dispersion within the system and enables great level of fuel saving. It can be controlled remotely without cable based on desire.
- Our designs comply with TSE EN 303-5 standards and have a welded construction in the European EN norm.
- Temperature effi ciency in AKKDS heating boilers with stoker is 87% and over.
- The burning room contains a burning pot and grids. It is designed in proper dimensions for loading suffi cient fuel amount and for enabling high effi ciency burning and appropriate for the discharge of burned gases easily.
- The burning room control can be monitored through the observation window that is resistant to thermic and mechanical shock and burning can be controlled.
- Cinder removal cap is present in all models. Cinder and ash generated within the boiler from burning fuel drop to the ash removal tray over the grids and they can be cleaned easily from the ash removal tray.
- Thanks to the cleaning cap, the heating boiler pipes can be cleaned periodically.
- Impermeability components used in the heating boiler caps are designed according to human health and environmental conditions protection criteria.
- Heat insulation of the heating boiler is very good. The entire boiler is coated with insulation material.
- The outer body and front caps are designed to be easily dismounted for service and assembly convenience.
- The boiler caps are coated with a special refractor material and they don’t give the heat within the boiler outside. They prevent thermic effects that could occur from outside to the inside of the boiler.
- Chimney draught is controlled by an adjustable chimney valve.
- There is a 3-stage circulation pump in the heating boilers in the capacity range of 25.000kcal/h and 60.000kcal/h.
- Pellet fuels are burn with high effi ciency in our AKKDS models.
- Chimney outlet is achieved from above the chimney fume cupboard until AKKDS 100, and from AKKDS 120, chimney outlet is achieved from behind of the chimney fume cupboard.
- The chimney outlet is from behind in AKKDS Model Heating Boilers until 100.000Kcal/h; and it is from the upper side from 120.000Kcal/h.
AKKDS Solid Fuel Automatic Loading Three Transitive Heating Boilers - Technical Dimensions