ASSF Liquid-Gas Fuel Prismatic Type Three Transitive Heating Boiler

Liquid-Gas Fuel Heating Boilers

ASSF Liquid-Gas Fuel Prismatic Type Three Transitive Heating Boiler - General Features
    • They burn liquid and gas fuel with high effi ciency.
    • Burning effi ciency is 96% and over and they have a structure that is very sensitive to environment.
    • Low fuel consumption enables fuel saving and economy.
    • They have longer life time in comparison to other boilers owing to their three-transitive structure.
    • Owing to their superior design and manufacturing method, they are affected minimally by the corrosive materials within water.
    • They present on-site manufacturing fl exibility and can be placed in narrow areas easily.
    • Burned gases that are circulated within the boiler in proper angles and velocities are discharged from the chimney without allowing condensation and plate deformation is prevented as a result of acid corrosion in the boiler.
    • The brilliant fl are, which is generated in the muffl e room where two transitive intensive burning occurs, is carried to the water from the burning cell by the “radiation heat transfer” means.
    • Design and manufacture is made up to 40.000 kcal/h – 10.000.000 kcal/h.
    • They work very quietly and effi ciently owing to their high design and manufacturing technology.
    • Solid fuel can be burned and capacity can be increased by coupling front furnace in different capacities optionally.
    • They can be used in narrow spaces with their prismatic canopy placed on their cylindrical three-transitive inner structure.
    • They have ergonomic structure.

ASSF Liquid-Gas Fuel Prismatic Type Three Transitive Heating Boiler - Technical Dimensions